

Welcome! I document our adventures of raising five children.  This is our story.  I hope it inspires you to embrace your journey!

I’ve also recently started a photography business, so I can share the visual story of others.

Growing Families

Growing Families

Meet Lottie…

Bringing a baby into the world is a miracle and a blessing. If you have the opportunity to add another sweet child to your family, love just overflows. Sibling relationships start from the very moment the new one enters the world and what a glorious thing it is to witness.

What an honor it was to be invited into their home to capture these precious moments as a newly formed family of four. Jake and Jorie have the perfect temperament for raising babies - they are calm, joyful, and filled with utter awe and amazement of the sweet sisters they have brought into this world.



2023 Seniors

2023 Seniors